The EQI Blog

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Jacquie #3: Leftover challenge

Jacquie #3: Leftover challenge

Helpful assistant ...? Jacquie A   Sewing can present many challenges to us all. I’m using up some of my leftovers to make a modified version of a quilt in the current Quiltmania magazine. Just as I’m trying to pin on my strips to applique my assistant came...

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Pinky #3: Trees

Pinky #3: Trees

A pink tree? ... Pinky E   Tree quilt was begun in a workshop on 60-degree rulers with Meredith Clark (Pomegranate and Chintz) in 2018. It needs further pressing now. It was interesting to put together a quilt in varying sections rather than rows of blocks. More...

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Denise S #6: Blues

Denise S #6: Blues

Leaders and Enders ... Denise S   I made this as a leader and ender during 2019. I had cut lots of blue squares out of my enormous collection and then I got stuck. In the end, I would pick out 50 squares, sort them into light and darks and stitch them together....

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