Greetings to all members of EQI! …
Welcome to the November 2023 edition of President’s Chatter.
This is the most challenging, hardest President’s Chatter I have had to do.
However, it has to be done.
After the AGM held in October 2023, where the financial members, both present and absent could not raise a constitutional committee, (no Secretary or Treasurer), and no increased ordinary committee members, I decided, why am I bothering?
Glenda Stewart (our 2023 Secretary, and legal link with Consumer Affairs) then, rightly so, reminded me that a special meeting should be called within 2 weeks after the failed AGM, as per our constitution, to resolve the issues.
Glenda was correct. As the President I should have but, where would this meeting be held? When? Would any members actually come? Doubtful.
When this little committee of 2022-2023 (Glenda, Hiam, Anita and Robyn) came into being, last year, we found lots of issues pre and post-Covid that had to be addressed.
It took us about 5 months of hard work to get things sorted out. During that time, this committee had to deal with the negativity, threats and tantrums, expressed via both social media and personally. This included certain self-entitled members and ex-members voicing issues that, quite frankly, were not supportive of the objectives and fellowship of Essendon Quilters Inc. that I have come to know.
So, here we are.
Firstly, let me give the good news.
Essendon Quilters Inc., after posting a $1000 deficit in the 2021-2022 financial year (actually the deficit was $1500 as the committee found that the “Paint Chip Challenge” winner had not received her prize) is in an excellent financial position to go forward in 2024.
The two grants EQI received in 2022-2023 totalling around $4000 from Moonee Valley and the Federal Volunteer Grants, and the donation of $600 from “Bluefit” (specifically for our Community Quilt program -with thanks to Denise Shearer) wiped away the possible deficit that would have occurred at that time.
Additionally, the reduction in rent by the Freemason’s during the 2022-2023 year has been a bonus. This is not a permanent position and will be reviewed at the end of 2023. However, the Freemason’s are very supportive of EQI and want us to remain and grow.
Planning ahead for the 2024 year is well advanced with potential Guest Speakers and businesses pencilled in, a calendar of events including our 2024 biennial Quilt Exhibition and the 2024 “Paint Chip Challenge” (now expanding to include EQI, Kilmore Quilters and, AQA quilt groups!) also pencilled in. Changes include sharing the sponsorship of the prize money between the 3 groups.
Our membership, which substantially reduced post-Covid due to many issues is growing. To date, for the 2023-2024 financial year, so far, we have over 70 members…and it’s only November 2023!
EQI has the ability to have a bright future, heading towards its 40th Birthday in 2029.
Position descriptions for Treasurer and Secretary are on the website. Neither are difficult positions. Both have been stream-lined through the use of electronic banking and our own eftpos machine, reducing the need for unnecessary minutes at monthly Gatherings and using Zoom for committee meetings.
Both Anita and Glenda are available to help those taking up the positions.
Both positions can be shared by 2 members if that suits.
Other changes that have been made to the committee are the transparency of records, including banking, sharing information (and duties) to all committee members, introducing clear simple policy and the importance of every committee member in any decision making
Now this is where we find ourselves as an incorporated association:
At the October 2023 AGM all committee positions were spilled.
I nominated for President, Hiam and Robyn for general committee.
Glenda has been “co-opted” to complete secretary duties, and Anita “co-opted “to complete treasurer duties for a short time.
We continue to have no Vice President.
Unless, at the continuation of the AGM, members stand up and nominate for, at least, Treasurer and Secretary. Then EQI will have no choice but to follow the constitution and disband handing over all assets to another like group. This includes money, equipment, library etc.
We now have to confront and discuss our options.
Here are our options:
At the November Gathering on Wednesday 15th. At Woodlands Park Community House, 32 Winifred St. Essendon the AGM will be continued, not exactly “by the constitution” rules, but, I am willing to give members a chance to save EQI. If we can elect a governance committee, including a treasurer and secretary, then we can go forward.
If members cannot attend on the 15th November, you can fill in a nomination form and/or a Proxy voting form.
The old “well, someone else will put up their hand, we always have committee personal problems etc.” is not good enough!
It’s time for members to put up their hands and lend a hand.
Nomination forms and proxy forms etc are available on the website, in the member’s area.
If no governance committee is elected, then we will not meet again as Essendon Quilters Inc., but the previous committee will contact Consumer Affairs and begin Part 7/No. 76; “Winding Up And Cancelation” Page 24 according to our constitution.
I have been a member of Essendon Quilters Inc. for over 20 years. An ordinary committee member for 10 of those years, vice-President for two of those years and President for 5 of those years.
I and Robyn Roberts share a vision for the EQI “Paint Chip Challenge” (started in 2016), to spread statewide and then Australia wide. As has the “Quilts in Public Places” challenge. I have enjoyed the fellowship, classes, bus trips, challenges, exhibitions, “show and tell, Guest Speakers and everything else associated with EQI and hope to continue to enjoy EQI for many more years. This, of course, depends on the rest of the membership.
Kerry Roe
Essendon Quilters Inc.