Hello fellow quilters and welcome to our June newsletter – and to winter, the best season for our snuggly art!
It has been another busy month for EQI, with the Biggest Morning Tea, Members’ Showcase featuring amongst considerable all-round productivity. It’s a delight to see members enjoying skill-sharing and admiring the work of others, and hopping in to help with whatever is needed without being asked. Thank you all.
June day meeting: Please note in your calendar that the June day meeting is in the first week of June. Date is Wednesday 5th June Day Meeting.

Biggest Morning Tea: The Biggest Morning Tea Cancer Council fundraiser has been held at each of our gatherings this month, both an enjoyable event and a worthy cause relevant to all of us.

Members Showcase

The committee is excited to announce a new activity. At selected meetings, we’ll feature a member’s work. A great way to encourage members to showcase their talents and gain confidence.

Members’ Showcase has proved to be a very enjoyable feature which celebrates the work of our members and reminds us of how much talent there is in our group. Judy Arnold was our May exhibitor and she wowed us all with her beautiful quilts - thank you Judy!

Annual Membership

Membership fees of $50 are due for the financial year 2024/2025.
If paid by 30th June a discount of 10% is applied making it $45.00. Membership/Membership Renewal form is attached to the newsletter, available at the front desk and online.

Suggestions, suggestions, suggestions….

A reminder to please place your suggestions for workshops, speakers etc. in the suggestion box or approach one of our committee members, and we will try our best to act on your request.

I look forward to seeing you all soon,
Best wishes,
Barbara Goad, Vice-President (filling in for Santina, who will return soon from her travels.)